Profile Dynamics - TalentMove Breda

Recognize what your personal motives are …
… and gain insight into your actions

The world and with it organizations around you are changing rapidly. That requires adaptability. How do you stay sharp, up-to-date and involved? Employers and work demand a lot from you in our current 24-hour economy. You have to be decisive, accessible and flexible.
Why did you actually choose a certain profession? What tasks do you do now and how do you feel about this? Based on which views do you make your choices? Through which glasses do you look at your tasks, at your collaborations and working environment? What drives you deeply?
A moment may come in a phase of your career that you no longer have this sharpness. The umpteenth reorganization, merger or change of the umpteenth supervisor can be a reason to take a closer look at your personal motives.

An individual Profile Dynamics® Assessment (PDA) puts you back on course


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A PDA gives you insight into your personal motives and shows how they affect your team and organization. Above all, it gives you practical tools to consciously get started and choose work and an organization that gives you energy.

PDA provides insight into the underlying value systems (or motives) that people use and that largely determine their thinking and behavior. With this, the PDA offers the possibility to make use of the knowledge of your own and other drivers in practice. In short, the PD profile is a key to success to better align the organization and the people who work there and to improve the working atmosphere.

Example report

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Discover what drives you with PDA

Profile Dynamics® is a powerful and intricate tool that helps you discover your drivers and shows what your preferences are in areas such as functions and tasks. You can also deduce from it with whom you can work well or less well by nature; whether you can easily or less easily participate in changes; which style of leadership suits you best.


Profile Dynamics Assessment


On the left you can see which motivators give you energy and on the right of the graph you can see which drivers you have resistance to. The PDA report helps to align your personal wishes with the possibilities and needs within work and the organization.

A PDA is simple and recognizable. Everyone understands. Moreover, it contains no value judgments. It is not right or wrong. PDA describes 7 value systems, with which thousands of types can be described by their unique combinations per individual. In combination with the resistance, there are even millions. A PDA is therefore very fine-grained and accurate in its descriptions.


Graves’ value theory: 7 recognizable drivers


DrijfverenThe American psychologist and researcher Clare W. Graves described seven recognizable drives that form the basis of our thinking and actions. These drives are indicated by colors. If you know what drives you have, you’ll discover what really suits you! Because the better the connection between your work and your personality, the more motivation and energy you will experience. Your motivation is largely determined by the interaction of your preferred drivers.

Insight into your motives provides a lot of information. What tasks and work gives you energy, but also what the dynamics are between you and your working environment. Can you work together pleasantly? Do you level with your direct colleagues and within the organization? Drivers play at task, environmental and cooperation level. If you gain insight into the factors that can motivate you at these levels, you have a powerful key to strengthen your own motivation and energy drivers!


Motivation analysis Students


Talentmove - PDA - Studenten


Profile Dynamics® has developed a specific analysis for students and students from the age of 16. It provides insight into what motivates you and suits you. It helps to choose a suitable education and to further develop your talents for your future job. The analysis is therefore a powerful addition to career choice tests. For mentors and parents, the motivation test provides guidance for pupils and students to guide young people in his or her personal development and in the development of his or her career.

Example report students

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Flyer students

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Choose a Profile Dynamics® Assessment (PDA) at Talentmove:

Gain insight into your strengths, weaknesses and blind spots.

Gain insight into what energy gives or costst.

Discover which type of organization and activities suit you.